What will InsightApps™ Lift Portfolio Dashboard do for me and my Business?

As Companies grow, owners and managers often find themselves in unknown territory and struggle to keep such a close grip on the activities that made them and their Companies successful in the first place. Whereas once information was gathered by observation, there is just too much going on today to keep track of everything and once you start to let go it’s difficult to get that level of control back. In this modern world large amounts of information are stored on your computers, but data is often inaccessible or it’s stored in a raw state and you run the risk of “not being able to see the wood for the trees!”

InsightApps™ Lift Portfolio Dashboard was developed for the lift industry to simplify the acquisition and analysis of this data for use in decision making. Designed and developed using Microsoft’s proven technologies, InsightApps™ Lift Portfolio Dashboard provides reliable and secure access to your sumarised business data.
Linking to Lifdata for your Operational data and Sage or Pegasus Opera for your Financial information, InsightApps™ Lift Portfolio Dashboard analyses information from across your whole Company, keeping your finger on the pulse!
Often delays cost either financially in the short term or through loss of credibility with clients over time. If a client phoned you now could you answer the following?

            • Which of my lifts have been out of service for more than 24 hours?
            • How many repairs jobs are outstanding as of this morning?
            • Which is my third worse lift for breakdowns and is the position deteriorating?
            • Did you meet the service level Agreement on yesterday’s breakdowns?
            • Will you complete all your servicing this month.....really?
            • If I had £5,000 to spend, on which lift should I carry out repairs?
            • Are we paying you on time?

With InsightApps™ Lift Portfolio Dashboard You and Anybody in Your Company could answer ALL these questions, and more…… NOW!

In addition you will know up to date information about:
            Engineer availability;   Engineer status by area by task;   Engineer activity by area;   Current breakdown log;   Percentage service completions
            Last 30 days average breakdowns in current month by area;   Percentage service completions in current month by engineer;   Summary breakdowns
            by area selectable by month;   Breakdowns by period selectable by client, month, area, route engineer;   Breakdown history by year selectable by
            unit;   Total units;   Total sick units;   Overdue payments;   Cash Balance;  Upcoming liabilities.......................……..and many many more things!